Dinner 1 is SOLD OUT!

17 July, 2008

We've SOLD OUT spots for dinner 1, which is awesome! Look forward to meeting you all there.

If there's anyone who missed out that wants to be on the mailing list for future events, send us a message!

Girl Geek Dinners Brisbane - Dinner 1

09 July, 2008

Who is invited?
If you are a geek and a girl or know of one who is willing to escort you then you are welcome and encouraged to come along. There is a technical focus with the intention of having fun and connecting with other women in IT.

The plan
The first dinner will be an informal dinner where we can all meet and discuss what we want to see and get ideas for future dinners.

Who pays for dinner?
This is our first gathering and we don't have sponsorship yet so you'll pay this time.

Where + When
Date: Thursday 28th August
Time: 6:30pm
Where: Caravanserai Turkish Restaurant, West End

Registration: http://girlgeekdinnersbrisbane01.eventbrite.com/

Coming Soon

04 July, 2008

We're in the process of organising our first dinner....stay tuned for more details or feel free to add some suggestions of what you want and where you want to go.